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David Algar

David Algar

Principal Carbonologist ®, Carbonology ®

David is one of the leading specialists in Carbon standards and frameworks. The standards David specialises in include: -

• ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gases Part 1: Specification at organisation level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals

• PAS 2060 Carbon neutrality

• ISO 14068 Climate Change Management – Transition to Net Zero, Part 1: Carbon Neutrality

• PPN 06/21 compliant Carbon Reduction Plans

• Streamlined Energy Reporting (SECR) 

David’s extensive experience in working with over 30 businesses in various sectors such as law, marketing, automotive, construction and medical has provided the knowledge and understanding of where the gaps are in relation to carbon management, which has been used to tailor the Carbonology® Hub platform.



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