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Media Partner
Football & Stadium Management (FSM) is an independent market-leading print and digital resource utilised by key decision makers responsible for all aspects of the infrastructure of UK Stadiums, training grounds and Arenas, including maintenance, security, health & safety, lighting, pitch management, seating and ticketing, hospitality, and so much more! From Premier League to Non-League, National Stadia to Local Athletics Stadiums, a stadium is not just about match-day, there is so much going on within the background that needs to run efficiently and effectively to make any event a success! With an overall reach of 49,000+ FSM is the perfect route for reaching a potentially very lucrative audience. Email the team on to explore the fantastic opportunities available.


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Lanyard Sponsor

Power Responsive

Energy Future and Flexible Networks Theatre Sponsor

Local Partnerships

Public Sector Networking Area Sponsor


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Roundtable Sponsor

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